Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Because...

I've decided to give Reese a "Half-Birthday Party" this year. (A very Merry Un-birthday, if you will). His real birthday is two days after Christmas which is a whole bunch of un-fun. Not to mention, its hard to make it really feel like his day, when there's still Christmas decorations up. So, I'm thinking of having his birthday party in August or September, then just having a small dinner get together on his real birthday. Sounds like a plan to me!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh, How Time Flies....

It took me a really long time to post this. Maybe because I didnt want to accept it....or maybe because I just couldn't believe it.

My little baby is one year old. One. whole. year.

I cant even begin to describe all the ways he's saved my life. I feel like a have a purpose now...Because he needs me more than anything or anyone. This whole year has been the greatest year of my life and he makes me excited for the future and all that it has in store for us.