It was a whirlwind 2 1/2 weeks with my brother & Luci here from Colorado...I hadn't seen her since she was two, and she's four now. I was worried how her & Reese would get along, if they would at all. To my surprise, they were attached at the hip just seconds after she arrived. From sun up, to sun down, those two were doing everything together; Playing, running, eating, watching movies, bathroom breaks, name it, they had to do it together.
Robbie and Luci left this morning about 3am and I'm hoping Reese doesn't feel too down. He's had a live-in playmate for the last couple weeks. He woke up this morning and said "Mama where Woosy?" (As my heart breaks in half for him.)
It was definitely an eye-opener as far as having more kids. There were times where I found myself thinking HELL FREAKING NO...NO MORE FOR ME! But there were also times where I thought HMM...MAYBE REESE NEEDS SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH SOMEDAY....
This Christmas was one of the best.....and worst. Most of you know that my dad has throat cancer. Christmas just made that all the more suckier. He cant taste anything, cant eat, can hardly drink, and sleeps close to half the day. My family is known for their cooking and parties and fun, and my dad couldn't really take part in any of that...and it just really freaking sucked to watch.
Other than the cancer thing, this was an amazing Christmas. The kids got everything they wanted an more...WAY more. I didnt tell Justin I wanted anything and for the first time in the history of us, he picked presents out for me all by himself, and did a pretty great job if I do say so myself :)
I used some of my Christmas bonus and bought us two Disneyland Annual Passes which I FULLY intend on using numerous times throughout this next year.
I'm now ready to kick the new year into gear and get off my ass and start exercising. I really need to lose about 40-50 lbs, and I'm hoping to lose at least 30 by my wedding in June. I refuse to look like a heffer in my dress.
So there you have it: Our Christmas in a nutshell. I hope everyone had as good a time as we did, and I hope you guys all have an even better new year.
And with that, I leave you this:
Robbie and Luci left this morning about 3am and I'm hoping Reese doesn't feel too down. He's had a live-in playmate for the last couple weeks. He woke up this morning and said "Mama where Woosy?" (As my heart breaks in half for him.)
It was definitely an eye-opener as far as having more kids. There were times where I found myself thinking HELL FREAKING NO...NO MORE FOR ME! But there were also times where I thought HMM...MAYBE REESE NEEDS SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH SOMEDAY....
This Christmas was one of the best.....and worst. Most of you know that my dad has throat cancer. Christmas just made that all the more suckier. He cant taste anything, cant eat, can hardly drink, and sleeps close to half the day. My family is known for their cooking and parties and fun, and my dad couldn't really take part in any of that...and it just really freaking sucked to watch.
Other than the cancer thing, this was an amazing Christmas. The kids got everything they wanted an more...WAY more. I didnt tell Justin I wanted anything and for the first time in the history of us, he picked presents out for me all by himself, and did a pretty great job if I do say so myself :)
I used some of my Christmas bonus and bought us two Disneyland Annual Passes which I FULLY intend on using numerous times throughout this next year.
I'm now ready to kick the new year into gear and get off my ass and start exercising. I really need to lose about 40-50 lbs, and I'm hoping to lose at least 30 by my wedding in June. I refuse to look like a heffer in my dress.
So there you have it: Our Christmas in a nutshell. I hope everyone had as good a time as we did, and I hope you guys all have an even better new year.
And with that, I leave you this:

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