The dreaded cough is back. Actually, it has been for a couple weeks now. Mad props to Reese, because he puts up with it so well. If that was me, coughing day in and day out, I would go crazy.
After searching the whole first year of his life for a doctor that would diagnose him, we found Dr Deeths. She is AMAZING. (thanks Katrina!)
She diagnosed him with Tracheomalacia. This is when the cartilage in the windpipe (trachea) has not developed properly. Instead of being rigid, the walls of the trachea are floppy. Because the windpipe is the main airway, breathing difficulties begin soon after birth...hence, the weird cough that just WOULDNT go away.
He also has Asthma and chronic inflamed lungs on top of the Tracheomalacia, which makes breathing even more difficult for him, especially when his lungs get inflamed from allergies or over stimulation. Although it worries me that he has to go through all this, I'm happy that we have FINALLY gotten a proper diagnosis.
So for now, we continue with our breathing treatment regimen: Once in the morning with a steroid, twice during the day with saline, and once before bed. All in all, he's pretty good with the treatments. I think he just deals with them because he knows it will make him feel better. I was told that he could possibly grow out of it by age two, so thats what we're rooting for...